取消住房 & 餐饮合同

通过提交住房申请,您已经进入了一个 具有法律约束力的合同 在本学年期间. The 住房 Contract covers both the fall 和 春天 terms (和 summer term for University Village residents). University Village residents are financially responsible for the fall, 春天, 和夏季部分的协议期限. 请查看当前 住房 & 餐饮合同.

Students who wish to cancel their housing assignment before the official move-in date should log back into the 房地产门户网站, 选择“申请住房”,"选择您想要取消的适当条款, 选择“取消校内住宿”," carefully read over the cancellation message 和 follow the prompts.

Cancellations received by May 15 are eligible for a partial credit of $200 of the application fee (if applicable). The credit will be released to the student's university account 和 the student will be released from their agreement.

从5月16日开始,在搬进来之前, 协议可能被取消, but students are not eligible for the return of any portion of the application fee. Students who also do not cancel in the 房地产门户网站 和 fail to occupy their space are not eligible for return of any portion of the application fee.


Cancellations for students applying for the 春天 only semester must be received by December 15 to be eligible for the $200 application fee credit 和 to be released from their 住房 & 餐饮合同.

从12月16日开始,在搬进来之前, 协议可能被取消, but students are not eligible for the return of any portion of the application fee. Students who also do not cancel in the 房地产门户网站 和 fail to occupy their space are not eligible for return of any portion of the application fee.

Non-occupancy of a student's assigned space does NOT terminate the 住房 & 用餐协议及其财务义务.

Students who wish to cancel their housing assignment after the official move-in date should complete the Petition for Release from contract request form in the 房地产门户网站. Submitting a Petition for Release form is only a request 和 should not be assumed to be approved. 决定通知将发送到学生的ODU电子邮件地址.

** Please remember that just checking out of your room 和 returning your key does not cancel your 住房 Assignment. All students must fill out a Petition for Release form in the 房地产门户网站. **


Eligibility requirements for post occupancy Petition for releases are also listed in the 房屋条款及条件 & 餐饮合同:


  1. 从最靠谱的网赌软件退学/转学 不再注册任何学分
  2. Academic Suspension or Academic Dismissal from 最靠谱的网赌软件
  3. 在协议期内结婚
  4. 居民的军事活动
  5. 12月/ 5月毕业
  6. 校外的大学附属项目
  7. Extenuating Circumstance: If the student has experienced significant 和 unforeseen changes in circumstances that would cause undue hardship if the student is held to their 住房 & 就餐协议.

以下是常见情况 不会 be considered extenuating circumstances, this includes but not limited to:

  • 室友的问题
  • 在校外签了租约
  • 注册为在线学生
  • 对大学或住房缺乏了解 & 生活政策和程序
  • 饮食需要
  • Non-qualification, 后期的应用程序, 或失去获得经济援助/援助或奖学金的资格
  • 未能激活或维护您的官方 jxklpl.com 电子邮件帐户
  • 对任务/设施不满意
  • University Village Residents: Enrolling in courses outside of the university during the summer term, 或者选择不参加夏季学期的课程,
  • University Village Residents: August 毕业 (residents who walk during 春天 commencement, but don't officially complete their degree requirements until August, 不符合夏季释放的条件.)


All students who receive an approved Petition for Release will be charged on a prorated basis date of either approved Petition for Release or the Resident's date of official check-out (includes completing all the following: removal of all belongings from room assignment, 结帐完成, 并将房间钥匙交还前台), 以较晚的为准.

此外,学生将被收取200美元的取消费. 取消费用的例外情况如下:

  1. 兵役令
  2. 毕业
  3. School-sponsored activities that result in a required move from the area (Internship or 出国留学)

All students who receive a declined Petition for Release will be charged the full financial costs associated with your contract.

If you have received disciplinary conduct decisions which terminate your 住房 & 餐饮合同, 或者如果你收到了临时停职/非法侵入, you are not eligible to request a petition for release from your 住房 & 餐饮合同.

如果你因为行为原因被开除, 你将承担合同的经济责任. You will be charged prorated rent through the effective date of your removal or the date you check out, 以较晚的为准. 除了, you will be charged for 50% of your remaining contract (including summer if you are a Village resident). This applies whether or not your enrollment at the University continues.

Please use this guide as a summary for all charges 和 fees associated with cancellations or terminations:


申请取消日期 过程 总成本
5月15日之前 取消申请 申请费用200元的部分抵扣,如适用 (50美元)不予退还.
5月15日之后,入住之前 取消申请 不扣除部分报名费. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费.
6点前未入住/未登记入住.m. 在上课的第一天 房屋署取消合约 & 居住生活 不扣除部分报名费. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费, plus $200 cancellation fee.
入学后 在房屋网站递交取消申请表格 After petition approval: Prorated rent for nights in residence hall until date for approved petition or date of check out, 以较晚的为准, plus $200 cancellation fee (unless approved exemption for military orders, 毕业, 或因学校活动需要搬迁). Declined petitions will be charged the full financial costs of their remaining contract (Village residents include summer as part of contract).
大学终止住房-任何日期 房屋署取消合约 & 居住生活 Prorated rent for nights in residence hall until date of removal or date of check out, 以较晚的为准, plus 50% of remaining rent for the year (Village residents include summer as part of contract).



申请取消日期 过程 总成本
12月15日之前 取消申请 申请费用200元的部分抵扣,如适用. (50美元)不予退还

12月15日之后,入住之前 取消申请 不扣除部分报名费. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费.

6点前未入住/未登记入住.m. 在上课的第一天 房屋署取消合约 & 居住生活 不扣除部分报名费. 住房 & 居留生活保留全额申请费, plus $200 cancellation fee.

入学后 在房屋网站递交取消申请表格 After petition approval: Prorated rent for nights in residence hall until date for approved petition or date of check out, 以较晚的为准, plus $200 cancellation fee (unless approved exemption for military orders, 毕业, 或因学校活动需要搬迁). Declined petitions will be charged the full financial costs of their remaining contract (Village residents include summer as part of contract).
大学终止住房-任何日期 房屋署取消合约 & 居住生活 Prorated rent for nights in residence hall until date of removal or date of check out, 以较晚的为准, plus 50% of remaining contract rent for the year (Village residents include summer as part of contract).



Should you have questions or concerns regarding the cancellation processes, 请随时与住房部联系 & 通过电子邮件发送到 housing@jxklpl.com, by phone at (757) 683-4283, or by visiting our 办公室 located in the Virginia House. 我们的营业时间是周一至周五上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.